On Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” co-host George Stephanopoulos described former FBI Director James Comey’s notes as “the modern equivalent of Nixon’s tapes.”

Stephanopoulos said, “[W]e have had a week of stunning stories from the White House. This is the most serious one yet. What we’ve learned in the last 24 hours means that the course of Trump’s presidency will turn on his coming public showdown with James Comey. The big question, did President Trump try to block the FBI’s Russia investigation, commit an impeachable offense? We now know that the FBI Director made contemptuous notes of his meetings with the president, that dinner in January, when the president reportedly asked him if he was under investigation, requested a pledge of personal loyalty, an Oval Office meeting in February, when the president–after asking his vice president and attorney general to leave the room–brought up the FBI investigation of his fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. ‘I hope you can let this go’ is what the notes say. Those seven words could be Trump’s smoking gun. Comey’s notes, the modern equivalent of Nixon’s tapes. Congress will get them. Comey will testify. Whether Trump holds the White Gouse will depend on how Comey describes those notes, who Congress believes, how the country responds. Less than four months into the trump presidency, we are watching, in the words of republican senator John McCain (AZ), a Watergate-sized crisis play out in real-time.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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