On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” anchor Chris Matthews stated Israel is “screwing” and “humiliating” peaceful businesspeople in Palestine and wondered when those people will explode, because “people get bullied for so long, and then they fight back.”

Matthews said, “You know who they’re screwing? … [W]hen you go over there to the Palestinian territories–sure, there are terrorists. And they should be punished, by the people over there. That’s where I think they’ve got to act. Then you have these Palestinian business guys, regular guys like us, just regular people. They’re peaceful. They are being bothered every day of their life they try do to business. They have to sit there with some Israeli soldier pointing his gun at them for 3 or 4 hours at every checkpoint. They’re humiliating these people. And then when’s that cauldron going to blow, Jim? I just wonder when these people are going to blow. They’re going to say, no more negotiation, one-state solution. We’re not going to even go for two-state anymore.”

He added, “I think people get bullied for so long, and then they fight back.”

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