In an appearance Wednesday on “CBS This Morning,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) accused President Donald Trump of attempting to distract from the upcoming Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that will include testimony from former FBI Director James Comey by nominating Christopher Wray as his choice to be the next director of the FBI.

Despite having said Wray had a good reputation, Warner still maintained there was the possibility of wrongdoing that deserved focus.

“[B]ut clearly this is an effort by the president to try to distract attention from our hearings today and our hearings tomorrow,” Warner said. “I think we’re going to see some pretty interesting things this morning. Because not only do we have reports that the president tried to intervene with FBI Director Comey and ask him to back off the investigation of General [Michael] Flynn, which would be totally inappropriate, but we also have reports that he also asked the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and the head of the NSA Adm. Mike Rogers to also back off or try to downplay the FBI investigation into Mr. Trump and his affiliates.”

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