Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh declared given the revelations from the testimony former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee a day early, Democrats and some in the media owe President Donald Trump an apology.

Limbaugh argued the lack of evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election despite those allegations having peddled was what warranted the apology.

Partial transcript as follows:

I want you to put yourself in their shoes again. Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Pencil Neck Schiff, the Drive-By Media. They have known… Folks, this is crucially important. These people, in the real world, owe Donald Trump such an apology. You can’t believe how big they owe him an apology. The Democrat Party, the American media have known since probably January that Donald Trump has never been under investigation in whatever investigation is actually happening. And, you know what? If we learn somewhere down the road that there isn’t even an investigation ongoing, I won’t be surprised. I haven’t seen one shred of evidence.

We don’t have any crimes.

We haven’t been told what crimes are being pursued.

All we have been is lied to!

We have been led to believe that the investigation involves Trump or his people “colluding” with the Russians to effect the outcome of the election. Don’t forget, Comey yesterday admitted for about the umpteenth time that there is no evidence that votes were tampered with. So where is the “there” here? If Trump has never been part of this investigation, then what is? All we have is this nebulous “the Russians tried to hack, the Russians did this, the Russians did that.” When everybody under the sun says, “Oh, yes, it’s very bad what the Russians did,” what did they try to do? What did they succeed at doing? What do we need to investigate?

The only thing that’s happened here is the Democrat Party lost an election. They rigged their primary election. The Russians (or somebody) got into their computers and sent the news up to WikiLeaks. That’s what’s happened here. And all of that’s been turned into “Donald Trump colluded with the Russians”? And there’s never been any evidence, and now we know he’s never even been targeted as the investigation’s primary actor. The only thing that’s happened here is that the Democrats lost an election that they and everybody in the world thought they were gonna win big.

They have been humiliated. They had a rotten candidate who still can’t get over it, who’s going insane before everybody’s eyes every time she shows up anywhere. So is every other Democrat slowly but surely losing his or her mind — and over here we’ve got this nebulous investigation that the FBI and the courageous and patriotic James Comey are conducting. What investigation? Of who? Of what! I could make the case that there is a never-ending investigation of Russian hackery and it’s probably taking place at the CIA and the NSA, and it’s not really an investigation.

(h/t RCP Video)

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