On Tuesday’s “MSNBC Live,” DNC Chair Tom Perez stated, “I’ve prosecuted obstruction of justice cases, and I’ll tell you, I’ve never used tweets as exhibits in trials, but I think this may be a first, because the president seems to be digging his own hole on this.”

Anchor Hallie Jackson asked Perez, “[M]ore and more Democrats are calling for impeachment. Is that the right move for the party this early?”

Perez answered, “Well, you know what, we need to get to the bottom of what the president’s been involved with. I’ve said that all along. We needed a special counsel. We finally got one. And then you see smoke signals going up saying, well, we don’t like Bob Mueller because he’s independent. You know, you have Jeff Sessions, who was compromised the day he walked into the Department of Justice. And that saddens me, because I worked there for over 14 years. I valued the independence. I’ve prosecuted obstruction of justice cases, and I’ll tell you, I’ve never used tweets as exhibits in trials, but I think this may be a first, because the president seems to be digging his own hole on this.”

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