On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL) argued that Democrats wouldn’t win the 2018 midterms if they just had an anti-Trump message.

Bustos said that she took the fact that Georgia’s special election was closer than previous elections in that district as a “silver lining in saying we’re moving in the right direction. We’re inching the ball forward.”

Bustos added that the Democratic Party does have time to work on its message, given that the midterms are over a year away, but “It’s not going to work for us just to have an anti-Trump message.”

She further stated, “Donald Trump frankly, had a message that resonated with people who haven’t got a raise in the last five years, who saw their jobs, like a plant in my district, Maytag, ship every last one of the jobs over to Mexico. We’ve seen so many of those stories, and when he talked about making America great again in very simple terms, that resonated with people who wanted hope. What we didn’t talk about enough, consistently, was about jobs, the economy, and fighting for people who want better times ahead.”

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