On Monday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) criticized the Senate GOP’s healthcare bill for keeping too many Obamacare regulations and possibly making the Obamacare death spiral worse.

Rand said, “[W]e keep 10 of 12 of the Obamacare regulations, we still keep the idea that you can buy it after you get sick. So I’m concerned that the death spiral of Obamacare may well even get worse with the Republican version. I’m also concerned that the Republican version keeps most of the subsidies and actually creates a brand-new subsidy, $120 billion subsidy for insurance companies called a stabilization fund. All of those things together make me very concerned that we’re not going to fix the problem here.”

He added, “[E]verybody seems to be afraid of freedom. What we should do is legalize inexpensive insurance. … That means insurance without any regulations, insurance that you can buy what you want at the price you want to pay. Because right now, we have people with big hearts who say, oh it should cover everything, but they price poor people out of the marketplace.”

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