On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) called on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to recuse herself from the travel ban case, a call echoed by 57 other GOP House lawmakers.

Jordan said, “Code of conduct for judges is real clear. You shouldn’t endorse, you shouldn’t oppose a candidate. And if you do, and that person’s now in front of you in some kind of issue, you’re supposed to recuse yourself. If your impartiality can be questioned, you should recuse yourself, according to 28 US Code. So, I think Justice Ginsburg did all that, and should recuse herself, as do about 60 of my colleagues as well.”

He conceded that Ginsburg probably wouldn’t recuse herself, adding, “I do think this is part of a broader problem. The American people are so frustrated with what they view as people who aren’t being impartial.” After citing other examples, Jordan stated, “[T]hose kind of things, coupled with this kind of activity from Justice Ginsburg, this is what the American people hate. So, all we’re saying is, 60 of us signed a letter saying, look, it — even the New York Times, even the Washington Post said, you shouldn’t have done what you’ve done. you shouldn’t have said what you said. So, I think you should be recused. I think — and as I said, many of my colleagues think the same thing.”

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