Tuesday on MSNBC, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (R-NY) reacted to the news that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was delaying the vote on the Senate Republican health care bill until after the July 4 recess.

Schumer said the Democrats would work with Republicans if they abandon their efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Schumer said, “Now, you say will you work with your Republican colleagues? We want to, and we have two suggestions. First, abandon tax breaks for the wealthy, abandon cuts to Medicaid, abandon repeal and we can sit down and talk about improving health care.”

He added, “We have a second suggestion for our Republican colleagues to work with us. Abandon the closed doors secret process they have used. Go to regular order. Have committee hearings. Allow amendments. Go back to the idea that you need 60 votes, a bipartisan majority to pass a bill and we can start over again and work together and try to get some improvements in our health care system. But if our Republican colleagues stick to this base bill, which so hurts working families, which so benefits multimillionaires and them almost alone, we’re going to fight the bill tooth and nail.”

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