CNN “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter argued Sunday with Reddit users who believe President Donald Trump’s tweets prove his strength, saying his tweets are really “an admission of weakness.”

“I don’t recommend [Reddit], but it is a message board where people can talk and post all sorts of things,” Olivia Nuzzi, Washington correspondent for New York Magazine, told Stelter. “It’s sort of very free-wheeling, and Donald Trump [was] very popular on Reddit during the campaign… And this happened repeatedly, where something will go from, say, Infowars to Reddit, and then go to presumably one of Donald Trump’s aides, who talks to him, and then it went to Donald Trump’s Twitter account.”

“The president is acting strong. I think that’s what his supporters on Reddit are saying right now, this is a show of strength. I would argue it is an admission of weakness. This campaign against the media is sort of all he has to keep fans on his side.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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