On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said the Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare was “like a Christmas tree full of billion-dollar ornaments.”

Paul said, “I don’t think we’re getting anywhere with the bill we have.We’re at an impasse. Every time you add more federal money, more spending for their big government Republicans it offends the conservatives. So right now this bill, which is not a repeal, has become the kitchen sink. We have nearly $200 billion in insurance bailouts. Does anybody remember us complaining that Obamacare had insurance bailouts? We now have codified nearly $200 billion.”

“There’s $45 billion in here for opioids. So the bill is just being lit up like a Christmas tree full of billion-dollar ornaments and it’s not repeal,” he continued. “We don’t repeal the regulations. We don’t repeal the subsidies. Now there are Republicans getting so weak kneed they are saying we are afraid to reveal the taxes. What happened to these people? They were all for repealing Obamacare and now there’s virtually no one left.”

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