Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” network White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny offered his evaluation of President Donald Trump’s speech given earlier in the week in Warsaw, Poland before attending the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany.

Zeleny argued the speech was one of Trump’s “best speeches” in some aspects but went on to add that it was a “white America, America first” kind of speech.

“I think we learned something about his worldview — I would argue this speech is one of the best speeches in terms of thematics and staying on message and sort of offering the world view that he ha given. And the setting was interesting. It was inKrasinski Square in Warsaw. You know, thousands and thousands of people were waving American flags and Polish flags.”

“So, this is not a speech he could have given really any place else,” he continued. “This is a white America, America first kind of speech. He was offering a very stark view, actually, about, you know, migration, about immigration, about other things. It wasn’t a modern-day speech if you will. It was sort of a throwback speech. But, he was offering a sense, of you know — be afraid of what is happening in the world now. This is a Stephen Miller-written speech. He is one of his top policy advisers. It was praised in a lot of corners, but he probably couldn’t have given that speech here in America.”

(h/t WFB)

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