On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) responded to a report that the Russian lawyer who Donald Trump Jr. met with was allowed into the country without a visa under “extraordinary circumstances” by the Obama Justice Department by stating the lawyer’s admission into the US isn’t relevant to Trump Jr. meeting with the “foreign agent” lawyer.

Cardin said, “Well, we know this lawyer has been very actively engaged on behalf of the Russian government. The lawyer has been here in the United States to try to discredit Magnitsky and the sanctions that the United States Congress passed as a result of the Magnitsky tragedy in Russia. We know that she advertised that she was — on behalf of the Russian government had information. So, no, this is clearly a connection to Moscow.”

After the discussion turned to the lawyer gaining admission into the country, Cardin stated, “So, getting into the country is certainly not relevant to meeting with a person to get information to use in a campaign from another country. We let foreigners in our country. That’s not unusual. What is unusual is a campaign accepting information from a foreign agent that could be used against your opponent.”

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