Monday night on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said the Republicans in Congress needed to pass a “large tax cut” by Thanksgiving or they are in “real danger of having Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019.”

Gingrich said, “I personally believe that they ought to do as much as they can on health care right now. They shouldn’t spend the whole rest of this year on one issue. They have also got to pass, I think, by Thanksgiving, and get signed into law by Thanksgiving, a very large tax cut. Retroactively designed back to January 1, to make sure we have enough economic growth in 2018 that Republicans can run as the party of prosperity, of jobs, of higher take-home pay, and of economic growth.”

“And I would say the highest focus ought to be on getting the tax bill through because if we don’t have economic growth next year, I think we’re in real danger of having speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019,” he added. “If we do get enough economic growth; I think frankly we will probably get reelected.”

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