On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that he believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller is more likely to go after business relationships than campaign collusion.

Brooks began by saying, “I think the grand jury, as far as we have been told, that it means there’s some actual evidence of a crime, that you can’t just launch a grand jury unless you don’t have some substantive evidence. Doesn’t mean there’ll be indictments, but there’s evidence. Secondly, you can take hostile witnesses and put them before the grand jury, in a way you can’t with some of the other procedures, apparently. So, it’s a ratcheting up.”

He added, “I still — I confess I remain bearish on the idea that the collusion thing is the meat of the thing here. But we know this from special counsels and special prosecutors, once they get in the tax returns, once they look at the Russian investments, the — whatever the ancillary business relationships are, it seems to me that’s where the — that’s where Mueller’s more likely to go than simply the campaign collusion.”

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