Saturday in Durham, NC at the 82nd founders’ anniversary celebration of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said after President Donald Trump was they impeached, they would “go after” Vice President Mike Pence next.

Waters said, “Who is Donald Trump? Who does he think he is? Why does he think he is going to get away with what he is doing? There are those who may be afraid of him but as the young folks say, I ain’t scared, not one bit, not one bit and neither should you be.”

She continued, “Then there are those who say what if we impeach him? What about Pence? What do you mean, what about him? We go after him because we think that not only can we connect the dots, and Mueller, who is our special counsel, will be able to connect the dots, oh Pence may have some involvement in this too.  And so don’t think that somehow if we get this president impeached, we are going to be stuck with Pence, and we can’t do anything about it.”

Waters ended with an “impeach 45” chant.

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