Monday in Washington D.C. at the National Action Network’s “Ministers March for Justice,” author, radio host and Georgetown University sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson said President Donald Trump “just hates the fact that a black man was in charge,” referring to his predecessor former President Barack Obama.

Dyson said, “The reason we are here is to remind this nation that God is still on the throne, that no matter how much power you think you got, you ain’t God. Now let’s be real, we know that part of the problem going on today is, one guy in office hated the guy in office before him. You’re just mad a Negro was in charge. The anti-blackness that we see manifest in the troubling reality is mirrored in the fact that he just hates the fact that a black man was in charge—smarter than you. You against immigrants coming to America who can’t speak English. What is your excuse? Twenty-five words in your vocabulary, that’s not bigly enough. If the man who came before you just had a black Russian drink, they would have put him out of office.”

He continued, “You are just a big old liar…You are just timid and got no courage. And I think it might be pimping, going on up in here today. Pimping America’s white working class, making them leave you or their friend. You are no friend to poor people.”

He added, “I am almost done. When I go to the airport and get on the people mover, it says if you want to stand still, go to the right, and if you want to move, go to the left. I am telling you today if you want to stand still, go to the right wing, go to bigotry and hate, go to the nastiness that you see. If you want to lift yourself up, moved further to the left.”

(h/t Grabien)

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