On Thursday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Live,” New York Times political reporter and MSNBC Contributor Jeremy Peters stated that House Minority Leader Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who he dubbed “the president’s new best friend,” will impeach President Trump if Democrats win the majority in the House.

Peters said that neither Pelosi nor Trump are trustworthy in the negotiations over immigration. He added, “[T]he president’s new best friend, the minority leader in the House, is going to impeach him if she gets the House back. I mean, that is going to happen. And Trump should realize that. And he thinks, right now, that he’s cutting a deal to really — what I think his ultimate impulse here, his ultimate motives are to undermine Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and remind them that he’s fully capable of cutting these deals on his own. But, you know, the establishment Republicans are not your friends, Donald Trump. The Democrats are really not your friends.”

(h/t Daily Caller)

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