Friday on her nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Laura Ingraham shared some of the reactions she had gotten from her listeners about President Donald Trump’s reported deal with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy.

According to Ingraham, respondents were dissatisfied with Trump’s decision for the most part and added that some had even called for primarying him in 2020, which Ingraham indicated she was open to that suggestion.

“Your voices are being heard,” Ingraham said. “Your comments are being heard – everything from the word ‘outrage’ to ‘betrayal’ to ‘disappointment’ to ‘sadness’ to ‘primary him.’ That’s the other phrase we heard yesterday repeatedly. Look, we have to primary senators. Maybe we’re going to have to primary this president in 2020. We thought he was a conservative populist. We thought he was a nationalist on issues of immigration. If he is not, then we’re going to have to find someone who is.”

“This is the opportunity Donald Trump has to establish himself as a champion of the everyman,” she continued. “And he campaigned on that. Now he can actually be that. If he just does what he says he’s going to do in the campaign, he’ll be wildly popular. But he’s never going to please the DREAMers. He’s never going to please the Democrats. Even if he does a deal with the Democrats on the DREAMers, they’re not going to like him. They’re just going to use him.”

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