On Monday’s Center for American Progress’ “Thinking Cap” podcast, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Republicans “captured by the NRA” were “complicit” in what she called the gun epidemic that led to mass shootings like the one recently in Las Vegas.

Clinton said, “The way the Republican Party has been captured by the NRA, which has intimidated a lot of Democrats —not all thank goodness, but a lot—is one of the worst developments of the last 25 years.”

When asked if Republicans are complicit in the “gun epidemic,” Clinton said, “Of course they are. Of course, they are. The Brady Bill actually kept two million guns out of the hands of people who weren’t supposed to have them. If we had gone forward with the background check capacity that we should have had, and that it was up to date — my gosh, we computerize everything, and we can’t computerize that?”

She added, “This is beyond absurd. This is evil. This is nothing but pure, unadulterated, greed motivated by people who want to sell as many guns as they can, to engage in a falsity of fear and rhetoric about why everybody has to have guns. And you know the evidence is just so clear that more guns do not make you safer.”

(h/t WFB)

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