On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks of showing compassion towards hurricane victims in Puerto Rico and noted the lesson that people in Puerto Rico “don’t look like a lot of people in Texas.”

Brooks said, “[T]here was total graciousness toward Texas, and graciousness toward Florida, but he’s incapable of showing any compassion and graciousness toward people who are just trying to find drinking water in Puerto Rico. And so, the lesson is — the lesson that we’re all going to draw from that, that the people in Puerto Rico don’t look like a lot of people in Texas. And I think that’s probably a pretty fair judgment.”

He added that Trump’s “default position is never compassion and friendship. His default position is attack if you attack me. And that’s just characterological. And he brings it into the situations where compassion would be 99.9% of humanity’s normal response.”

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