Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said President Donald  Trump’s decision on the Iran nuclear deal was “very brave.”

Netanyahu said, “I’m focused on the result. I think that right now, the deal as it stands guarantees that Iran will have not a single nuclear bomb but entire nuclear arsenal within ten years. I think president was very courageous in saying, ‘I’m not going to kick this can down the road. I’m not going to say, well it’s going to be on somebody else’s watch I’m going to stop this from happening.’”

”Because remember, we cannot allow Iran the world’s foremost terrorist regime that hangs gays, that kills protesters, and promotes aggression throughout the region and the world—we cannot allow this rogue regime 30 times the size of North Korea’s economy to have a nuclear arsenal,” he continued. “It’s a very brave decision, I think it’s the right decision for the world.”

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