On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” CNN Counterterrorism Analyst and former CIA counterterrorism official Philip Mudd slammed both President Trump and Representative Frederica Wilson (D-FL) for exploiting deaths to win a political spat.

Mudd said, “I think it’s a sad moment for American politics, and for some simple reasons. General Kelly, I thought was moving, and I thought he was right. Life is sacred. A wife thought she was going to grow up in an entire life with a man she loved and she lost him. A child doesn’t get to learn to fish with his dad. And we have the president of the united states deciding to use this moment to compare himself favorably to his predecessor. We have a congresswoman from Florida who decides to use this moment to take a shot at a president I’m sure she despises. We have two politicians who used the death of a young man to see who can piss higher on a fire hydrant, and that’s American politics. This is a sad moment. I think it’s the president and the congresswoman who put General Kelly in a horrible position. I thought he made a great statement today, but he should never, ever have had to make that statement. And we should never have politicians say more than ‘we grieve your loss and we love what your child did for America.’ This is just a rough day, Wolf.”

Mudd added that Trump “started this.” But also sharply criticized Wilson and stated, “politicians have a simple responsibility, if you can’t shut up, get out of the room.”

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