While speaking with CNN on Wednesday, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) responded to President Trump’s tweet that Corker announced his retirement from the Senate because had no chance of getting re-elected by stating he was in a strong electoral position when he made the decision not to pursue re-election and he doesn’t care about the “daily silliness” that comes out of the White House.

Corker said, “I was in a commanding position. I’m sure that, you know, there’s been some Republican erosion over the course of the last, you know, six weeks or so, with me. I — look, I understand that. But, when I made the decision not to run, I was in a dominant position. I had more money in the bank than any Republican incumbent. My numbers in the state were very, very strong. And so, that’s just not true. But, look, you know, I — please, I don’t really care what comes out of the White House.”

Corker elaborated on his comment that didn’t care what comes out of the White House by saying, “Well, it’s sort of a daily silliness. But there was no question that when I decided not to run, I was in a dominant position in running. There wasn’t even anybody announced that, I assure you ever in the history of the world is going to be a United States senator, okay?”

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