Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing a potential indictment coming in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said the leak to the media could be a crime.

Christie said, “First off, it’s supposed to be kept a secret … There are very strict criminal laws about disclosing grand jury information. Now, depending on who disclosed this to CNN, it could be a crime.”

He added, “As a prosecutor, I can tell you, that was the thing that we emphasized the most with our prosecutors and our agents was, ‘Let me tell you, something, we will prosecute you if we find out you leaked this stuff. Because we have to have, the public have confidence in the fact that the grand jury process is secret and as a result fair. If you’re leaking stuff out of a grand jury, which happens, you shouldn’t be doing that. Again, we don’t know who leaked it to CNN. It would be a crime if prosecutors or agents leaked it.”

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