On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) argued that new investigation of the Uranium One deal “helps the Russians.” He also stated that part of the Democratic Party’s case in 2018 will be their ability to focus on what people care about on the issue of free choice in democracy.

Host Andrea Mitchelle asked, “What about the recent steps taken by Chairman Nunes, by other Democratic leaders, by Trey Gowdy to go after Hillary Clinton, on the very day that we felt that they were getting closer — that Mueller’s getting closer to indictments?”

Swalwell answered, “Well, it helps the Russians. Because the Russians like to see further discord in our country. And if we’re not doing all we can to make sure that we’re not going to prevent a future attack and we’re going back in time and reopening cases around emails or uranium deals, that disunity allows them to attack us again. I think the best thing we can do is actually have an independent commission.”

He later added that the Uranium One issue should be investigated “If there are issues that haven’t been explored by the Intelligence Committee,” but it shouldn’t be “at the expense of, I think, this investigation.”

Swalwell also stated that House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) has “allowed these new investigations to open. I think, for Democrats, as part of our case as to why we want to be in the majority in 2018, that we will govern responsibly and focus on what Americans care about when it comes to the freedom to choose in our democracy.”

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