During an interview Wednesday’s edition of Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show,” House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) reacted to the Virginia Gubernatorial election by stating that his takeaway is Republicans have to “get our job done,” and cited tax reform as a crucial example of this.

Ryan said that it’s no surprise Democrats are touting Northam’s victory and Republicans would say the same thing if Gillespie had won.

He added, “The way I see it, honestly, is, we’ve got to get our job done, and we’ve got to — that’s why I think tax reform is just so important. Not just politically, but just for the country. And I think what people want to know and see is that this Donald Trump presidency and this Republican Congress makes a positive difference in my life. And, granted, in the House we feel pretty good. Because we’ve actually been passing this agenda left and right. We’ve passed 394 bills out of the House alone, more in this presidency than in Obama, Clinton, and both Bush’s at the same time. It’s just that about 308 of those bills still haven’t gotten into the law. They’re still kind of over in the Senate. So, we’re a little gummed up and frustrated there, but that’s why tax reform is so important. Because tax reform is one of those things. Those 308 bills I mentioned, those all can be filibustered. Tax reform cannot be filibustered.”

In another part of the interview, Ryan stated, “Tax reform is the most singular, signature issue that people think of when they think of Republicans, when they think of Donald Trump, when they think of how is this going to help me in my life.”

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