While speaking to Washington Examiner Senior Political Correspondent and CNN Political Analyst David Drucker on Thursday, radio host Hugh Hewitt criticized former White House chief strategist and Breitbart executive chairman Steve Bannon for wanting to give away the Arizona Senate seat by running “kamikaze” Dr. Kelli Ward.

Hewitt reacted to Bannon talking about the conservative movement fighting “a civil war…against the Republican establishment…for many, many years” that won “so many seats” for conservatives by saying, “David, that’s just nonsense. There are some anti-establishmentarians out there that are noisy and they’re loud, but there has not been a war for a long time. When there have been extreme candidates nominated, like Sharon Angle and Todd Akin and there have been four or five of them, they get clobbered. And now they want to run kamizake Kelli in Arizona, as opposed to Martha McSally. That’s just nuts. That’s giving away a seat.”

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