On Tuesday’s broadcast of “MSNBC Live,” House Democratic Caucus Chairman Representative Joe Crowley (D-NY) stated that Democrats will work towards keeping the government open and believes that a common ground can be reached over DACA, but did not rule out shutting the government down over DACA.

Anchor Katy Tur asked Crowley if Democrats are willing to shut down the government over DACA.

Crowley responded, “Democrats are willing to work to secure the future of the 800,000+ individuals who are DREAMers in the DACA program. Democrats are working to ensure the extension of the CHIP program that will provide health insurance for children throughout our country, almost ten million children throughout our country. Democrats are going to work towards keeping government open. And we think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. These are all legitimate and good issues that need to be addressed, and we stand ready to work with our Republican colleagues, and hopefully, the president will agree –.”

Tur followed up on whether Democrats are willing to have a shutdown over DACA. Crowley answered, “This is a critical issue for Democrats. And I think for some Republicans, as well. We believe that we can find common ground here as it pertains to the DREAMers and the DACA recipients. Their lives are incredibly important to the Democratic Caucus, and their future is important, as well. we pledge to continue to work to keep them here in the United States as productive individuals for the — for our country.”

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