During an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) explained the “many people” who didn’t applaud when President Trump mentioned the drop in black unemployment during the State of the Union by saying that it was probably because Trump’s statement should have ended with him saying, “Thank you, President Obama.”

Harris said, “I’ll tell you that many people, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, were not applauding, and probably because we all know that the way that he should have made that statement is at the end of that statement, he should have said, ‘Thank you, President Obama.’ Because truly, what happened is that it was because of the priorities of the previous administration, that we saw a five-point drop in unemployment among the black population of the United States. And that trend has continued, but frankly, actually, last year, by only 1%. So, I’m sure that had a lot to do with the response by people who actually know what happened and what led to it.”

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