On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” Representative Jim Himes (D-CT) accused Republicans of engaging in a “profoundly unpatriotic” effort to sow doubt in the fairness of the FBI without any evidence.

Himes stated, “[T]his [the House GOP Intel memo] is part of a much larger effort that got kicked off the day after Jim Comey announced to our committee that there was an investigation. … When Devin Nunes made his midnight run to the White House alleging that there had been spying on Trump Tower, and then we get the allegations that Susan Rice and Sam Powers were unmasking improperly. Both of those things turned out to be false. Both of those things exist only to throw dust — sand in the gears of this investigation and to create doubt in the American population that the FBI and specifically the Mueller investigation are happening in an unbiased way. They are happening in an unbiased way. There is zero proof or even evidence that there is political bias in the FBI, but if you say it long enough and often enough, there will be people who have doubts about it. And it’s a profoundly unpatriotic thing to do.”

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