Friday on MSNBC,” Republican strategist Rick Wilson called the House Intelligence Committee released memo spearheaded by Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) a “fart in a hurricane.”

Wilson also referenced the lead character, Tommy Wiseau, from the Oscar-nominated movie, “The Disaster Artist.”

Wilson said, “This thing came out today like a fart in a hurricane. It is absolutely inconsequential. ”

He continued, “Look, I think this is an embarrassment. The Republican party and the enablers with President Hannity over at Fox News hyped this thing into the sky. The first rule of politics is always under promise, over deliver. They turned this into something where they’d had people believing that today you would see Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jim Comey, Susan Rice marched off in handcuffs, and instead you’ve got people laughing at Devin Nunes like he’s Tommy Wiseau.”

He added, “This is an absurdity, this thing is the weakest sauce I could have imagined. In fact, it’s comical how bad it is.”

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