On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) responded to President Trump’s tweet about him by stating that it might be time for Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly “to give the president a time-out.”

Schiff said, “It’s often hard to understand the president’s tweets. But as all the press that have dealt with me know, I am very careful to not disclose classified information or even things that happen in closed session. So, it’s a baseless attack. But, you know, look, first, he attacked me some months ago, calling me ‘Sleazy Adam Schiff,’ now, it’s ‘Little Adam Schiff,’ which, I don’t know, seems better. It’s also confusing. But, bottom line is, I think it may be time for General Kelly to give the president a time-out. I think the country would certainly benefit from that anyway.”

(h/t Fox News Insider)

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