On Thursday’s “MSNBC Live,” anchor Stephanie Ruhle argued Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) should “step up and be a human” and talk about guns.

“Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski closed the “Morning Joe” broadcast by saying, “I just think it’s, you know, hearing anybody in Washington saying now is not the time is — it’s old. It’s been used too many times. There are too many bodies in the wake of this conversation, that we can’t have at this appropriate time. I’d say to Marco Rubio, step up, be a man, talk about it right now, or to anybody else who tries to deflect the question about what to do about guns and assault weapons in our society, step up, be a man, and talk about it and stop thinking about the NRA and your next campaign donation. Just stop. Everyone knows what you’re doing, and it’s time.”

Ruhle then opened her show by stating, “[T]o Marco Rubio, you don’t have to step up and be a man, step up and be a human.”

(h/t Grabien)

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