Sunday in Chicago, IL, during a Saviours’ Day speech, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Democratic National Committee deputy chair Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) only denounced his association with the Nation of Islam over concerns about Farrakhan’s Antisemitism because “the Jew holds the door.”

Farrakhan said, “Now Keith was in the Nation in 1995. He was selling the Final Call newspaper, beautiful brother. Now being in Minnesota, I think that is where he is from, he wants to help his community. He’s a lawyer, so he wants to help his community. He wants to become a congressman.”

He continued, “I’m not here to bash my brother. Let me tell you something, when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”

He added, “He wanted to help his community. He wanted to become a congressman. So when the Jews found out that he was in the Nation—’Alright, Mr. Ellison, come on now you have got to denounce Mr. Farrakhan as an anti-Semite, and maybe we will let you run.'”

Showing a picture of Ellison selling the newspaper of The Nation of Islam, Farrakhan added, “He don’t want to admit he sold the Final Call. I ain’t mad. I am not mad at that brother. I want him to do what he wants to do. Help your people.”

(h/t GOP War Room)

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