On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) stated that the way in which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was fired is “surprising, disturbing, even alarming” and was done in a “humiliating” manner.

Coons stated what while it wasn’t particularly surprising that Tillerson was fired, “What is surprising, disturbing, even alarming is the humiliating way in which this came about. The timing, the process. It’s striking that exactly at the moment where President Trump’s Twitter rants, his bluster, his threatening against North Korea may have secured an important diplomatic opening, which Rex Tillerson had urged him to take, he cast aside his top diplomat, I think further undermining the secretary of state’s office, the Department of State, the career foreign service officers upon whom we rely for diplomacy.”

(h/t Grabien)

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