While speaking to CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju on Monday, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) stated that President Trump should leave Special Counsel Robert Mueller alone, and if the president fired Mueller, “there would be a total upheaval in the Senate.” Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) also weighed in, and characterized firing Mueller as “the stupidest thing” Trump could do.

Hatch stated that while he doesn’t think Trump will fire Mueller, “It would the stupidest thing the president could do, is fire him.”

Corker fielded a question from Raju on how Republicans would react if the president fired Mueller.

Corker responded, “I think there would be a total upheaval in the Senate.”

Raju then asked, “You think there would be a total upheaval in the Senate?”

Corker answered, “Yeah, no question.”

Corker also stated, “I think he needs to leave Mueller alone.”

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