On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) reacted to John Bolton being named the new National Security Adviser by stating he “can’t imagine a more reckless, more dangerous pick.”

Murphy said, “I can’t imagine a more reckless, more dangerous pick. … The idea that the person who’s first in and first out of the Oval Office on national security measures and matters openly roots for pre-emptive war against North Korea and Iran with no Congressional vote is, you know, just incredibly troubling. And to think about a president who is desperate to try to turn the news away from the myriad of scandals under which he is buried is going to have someone who is going to eagerly recommend to him that you go around Congress and start what could be catastrophic war with North Korea and Iran, you know, it’s something that we should all be super concerned about right now.”

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