On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes said he believes the US is heading towards a “‘What are you going to do about it?’ moment” where institutions clash, and part of the reason we haven’t is “because the man who aspires to be an authoritarian is also kind of incompetent in a lot of ways, and a coward in a lot of ways.”

Hayes stated, “I’m increasingly convinced we’re not getting out of this without a crisis, right? We’re not going to get out without some staredown, some question of which institution holds, right? So, the Trail of Tears case, where Andrew Jackson gets a ruling against him from the court and he says, ‘Justice Marshall’s made his decision. Now let him enforce it.’ And basically just says, ‘Well, what are you going to do about it?’ right? And it feels like we’re heading towards a ‘What are you going to do about it?’ moment. And that’s going to be a test. Right now, we haven’t gotten to that moment yet. Partly, we haven’t gotten to that moment yet, frankly, because the man who aspires to be an authoritarian is also kind of incompetent in a lot of ways, and a coward in a lot of ways.”

Mona Charen added, “Malevolence tempered by incompetence.” Hayes responded, “Exactly.”

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