On Tuesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” author, former Hillary Clinton Communications Director, and former White House Communications Director under President Obama Jennifer Palmieri criticized the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, arguing that the Census is meant to count everyone in the US, regardless of citizenship.

Palmieri said, “It’s really — it’s very distressing, because the Census is one of the most important tools that the government has for not just ensuring that people are represented in — appropriately represented for in Congress, but it’s also the manner in which things like welfare, food stamps, a lot of people that have these needs, a lot of the ways that services are distributed throughout the country. So, if you’re starting to tinker with it in this manner, which I think is to politicize it, by asking if someone is a citizen, you’re going to chill the impact of the Census. Because the Census is meant to capture everyone that is living in America, whether they are citizens or not. It’s the only way that you get an accurate count.”

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