Tuesday on Sean Hannity’s nationally syndicated radio show, Peter Schweizer explained that he reached out to some of the parties that allegedly engaged in “corrupt” practices named in “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” but had not received a response.

Host Sean Hannity asked him specifically about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. Schweizer alleges Hunter Biden was the beneficiary of $1.5 billion in funding from the Chinese government for Bohai Harvest RST, a private equity firm of which the younger Biden sits on the board.

“I assume as part of your research that you made phone calls to Hunter Biden, and to the former Vice President Joe Biden,” Hannity said. “What did they say?”

Schweizer said there had been no response as of yet.

“Nothing,” Schweizer replied. “They wouldn’t respond. We called them repeatedly. We sent them emails. Very specific questions. They would not even acknowledge the correspondence.”

Schweizer added that was the same response with former Secretary of State John Kerry and former President Barack Obama.

“They did not want to discuss this at all,” he replied.

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