On MSNBC on Sunday, network host Al Sharpton weighed on the Democratic Party’s prospects for a challenger to President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Sharpton, who also led the National Action Network’s convention over the weekend, gave high marks to Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-CA) showing at the event and explained the importance of the black vote for the possible presidential candidates.

“It is not a Sharpton Primary, but that is what the media calls it — it’s the National Action Network’s convention,” he explained. “They have to have the black vote. We are one of the organizations, as is the NAACP and Urban League. But we convene first because we convene in April — we try to do it in the month Dr. King was killed because we’re a King-based group. And, they can’t win without the black vote. I felt a real passion from Kamala Harris about fighting for real issues like criminal justice, as well as the economy and other things.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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