During an interview with CBN News on Monday, former DNC Chair Donna Brazile stated that Democrats need a message that “resonates beyond the base,” and impeaching the president won’t accomplish that. She also argued that if it’s discovered that the president broke the law, Congress does have a role in being a check and balance.

Brazile said, “I hear more from the grassroots than I hear from elected leaders. Although, there are some elected leaders who have proposed that solution.”

She further stated that in 2006, Republicans claimed that Democrats would impeach President George W. Bush if they regained the majority in House.

Brazile further argued, “I think Democrats need to focus on solutions, that we need to focus on big ideas. But, at the same time, if we learn that President Trump and anyone else [has]
committed mistakes, have broken the law, no one is above the law. Clearly, I do believe that Congress has a role in providing checks and balances as well as accountability to this administration and other administrations.”

She added, “But as — in terms of a message, impeaching the president is not a message that will resonate beyond the base of the party. We need to have a message that resonates beyond the base, to the middle, to independents, and others, who will make the difference in this election cycle.”

(h/t Grabien)

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