Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the possibility that the FBI had an “informant” working within the Trump campaign, alerting it to potential wrongdoing, and whose identity is now being protected from a congressional subpoena by the Department of Justice.

It was noted in an editorial that appeared in Thursday edition of The Wall Street Journal, which said the readers could figure it out for themselves. According to Limbaugh, when the history is written, this will be an embarrassing time for the FBI.

Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of

I mean, his period of time with the campaign lasted no more than a month or two. I don’t know why the FBI would need to get a FISA warrant to tape Carter Page’s phone. He could have just let them listen in on his own if he were the informant. The only reason they… If he were the informant, and they got a FISA warrant to spy on him to cover up the fact that he’s an informant, but, frankly, his is not a name that occurred to me in this.

I don’t have a name, folks. And it’s clear the Journal thinks that you could figure it out by reading what they’ve written, and they think they know who it is, but they’re not talking. Nunes wants to know. That’s the whole point here. The point is not so much who. Devin Nunes, the House Intelligence Committee, has subpoenaed records from the FBI to basically confirm that they did this, that they put a spy in the Trump campaign.

That’s what he says. He says he’s not per se interested in the individual per se but rather did they really do this? Everybody, now, that’s been studying this is convinced that the FBI did have an informant and that they planted the informant. In other words, found somebody, got them hired to do work in the Trump campaign, and they were then to spy. And if they found evidence of collusion with Russia, they were to then inform the FBI.

Now, the way to look at this, another way is, let’s just accept the hypothetical. Let’s say they had an informant. They had an informant. They had a spy. Wall Street Journal thinks so. Washington Post thinks so. They had a spy. So they had somebody in there actually spying, looking for collusion, and they still don’t have any! What does this tell you? But what does it say that they even had the audacity to plant an informant in the presidential campaign of one candidate, not Hillary, but Trump?

Well, at the very least, it tells you they really believe this nonsense that the Russians and Trump were buddies and were colluding to steal the election. And that just boggles my mind. Common sense says nobody could pull that off. But they must have obviously thought Trump was trying. This is going to be one of the most embarrassing periods in the FBI’s history, when all of this is finally revealed and the history of it written.

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