Thursday on the “The Sean Hannity Show” radio program, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said President Donald Trump’s courage in his recent dealings with North Korea and Iran echoed President Ronald Reagan’s “pleasant firmness and the dismantling of the Soviet Empire.”

Partial transcript as follows:

NEWT GINGRICH: I share your sense of amazement! What a couple of days!The president tweeted out today they are going to meet in Singapore. Who could have predicted a year ago that we would come this far down the road this fast? As the president keeps saying, the deal is not done and his goal is the same s always, a denuclearized North Korea, and he’s going to stay focused on getting that done.

Between his courage in standing up against all of our allies on Iran, the support they gave Israel today when the Iranians fired 20 missiles at Israel and Israelis responded by bombing sites in Syria, the degree to which they are moving things. The classic moment this week is the New York Times wondering where Secretary of State Pompeo is and why is he missing when the president announced the Iran deal? He was missing because he was meeting with Kim Jong Un getting three Americans released and setting the stage for a historic meeting in Singapore, but even for the New York Times, there might be space here for an apology.

HANNITY: I wouldn’t hold your breath… I think we’re going to take this show to Singapore.

GINGRICH: You ought to.

HANNITY:  We don’t know what the final outcome is going to be but I do know this: we haven’t had a rocket fired since Kim Jong-un said he would’t fire them. We had the hostages released. I mean that image of Kim Jong-un crossing the DMZ into the arms of the South Korean president, and the fact that he is willing to talk about the denuclearization of the entire region and America didn’t have to drop 150 billion in cash and other currency is a pretty amazing moment. Very reminiscent, I think of the Berlin Wall.

GINGRICH: There are a lot of parallels here between Reagan’s pleasant firmness and the dismantling of the Soviet Empire. I think it is very telling and very smart, like you I saw the arrival. The president’s comments took the right tone, telling Korea if you do the right things, we’ll be nice to you…It also speaks very well of Secretary of State Pompeo that he could get this much done this quickly.

(h/t RCP Video)

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