During a town hall on CNN on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated voters care about issues that impact them in their day-to-day lives and “they have accepted whatever the president, whoever he is, they knew much of this during the campaign.”

Pelosi responded to a question on how Trump’s “contradictory statements,” the allegations of sexual misconduct against him, his payment to Stormy Daniels, and the Mueller investigation would impact future leaders by saying, “I would say that what is important to the American people is really what affects them in their lives. Clearly, they have accepted whatever the president, whoever he is, they knew much of this during the campaign. But people really wonder, what is our [purpose]? When we go into these campaigns, we want our candidates and all of us to be talking about how we’re going to understand their apprehension and their aspirations, that we have a better deal, better jobs, better pay, better future. And that is for everyone. And that — it means also lowering costs.”

Pelosi continued that Trump “did a good job of presenting his case” during the election, but hasn’t kept his promises on issues like negotiating drug prices, being tough towards China, infrastructure, and not touching entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

She concluded, “[T]here are all of these things that he has taken a walk from, and that — we have to hold him accountable there. But people want to know more about what do we have to offer? Not just to complain about him.”

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