Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” network host Chris Matthews decried the level of elitism in the Democratic Party and called it “outrageous.”

Matthews said, “A true democrat, lowercase ‘d,’ thinks they’re no better than anybody else. That’s what a Democrat is. And the party regains that when white, black, Hispanic people, everybody, starts to think of themselves as one of them instead of being better than them. They’ll get back to the party of the people, and they’re not there yet. There’s too many elitists. There is so much elitism in the Democratic Party. It’s so outrageous.”

He continued, “It’s not just economics. I don’t buy the whole Marxist argument. It’s about economics. It’s not all about economics. It’s about sensing your leaders give a damn about you personally.”

He added, “I’m rooting against them even though I may agree with their policies. I think there’s a party attitude of elitism and I think they got to get over it. And it’s too much talk into fund-raisers, because the people they talk to on these kind of shows are really the people they want their money from, and they’re the elite. Hillary finally had a Bruce Springsteen concert the last night. A little late in the game. Identify what the blue collar, the regular people identify with. Just my speech, there are others, but that’s one. That’s something Bobby would understand, and Joe Biden would understand, and a few other people would understand today, and I think it’s a real problem.”

(h/t WFB)

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