During his live stream, “Outkick the Coverage” founder Clay Travis responded to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) calling for people to harass members of President Donald Trump’s administration.

Travis compared Waters’ comments to how white people pushed back against the civil rights movement and said she is setting a “bad precedent” on how to combat differing opinions.

”We have ended up in a big circle where now there is zero tolerance for people who have a different opinion than you,” Travis said.

“We’re in a really scary time in this country right now where we have progressed from, ‘I disagree with you and let me tell you why,’ to ‘I disagree with you and you don’t have a right to your opinion and you don’t have a right to have a job,” he later added. “That’s scary. That’s totalitarianism. The ironic thing about Democrats calling President Trump a Nazi is that they are actually more totalitarian right now than he is when it comes to speech.”

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