On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that the Trump administration should send a message that “We’re going to enforce the law, but we’re not going to be total monsters.” He added that the problem is this “goes against the policy that Jeff Sessions wants to support.”

Brooks said, “[T]he core problem is the Trump administration, at least large parts of it, wants to send an intimidating message down to people south of the border, don’t try to come up here. It’ll be miserable for you. And then — but they don’t want to face the total political backlash of having a completely cruel policy. So, they’re stuck in the horns of that dilemma. At the same time, they’re stuck in a bit of a legislative logjam. So, I think the lesson should be that we’re not going to be monsters at the border. We’re going to enforce the law, but we’re not going to be total monsters. But that goes against the policy that Jeff Sessions wants to support.”

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