Monday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reacted to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination, Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

In her analysis, she said Kavanaugh did not reflect American values.

Warren said, “Look, the way I see this is nobody makes it to the Supreme Court without a majority in the United States Senate. And I think people all across this country need to raise their voices. Always keep in mind on this, we didn’t have the votes to protect the Affordable Care Act. We did after Donald Trump was sworn in thinking about the fact that now the Republicans control the House, control the Senate, control the White House they could roll back Obamacare next week. And I really feared they would do it. But people across this country raise their voices, and it got bigger, and it got louder and bigger and louder, and it was Democrats, it was Republicans, it was Independents. People made their voices heard. And ultimately, when they did that, we got enough Republicans to cross the aisle and to save health care for tens of millions of Americans.”

She added, “You know, that is the remarkable part about a democracy, we raise our voices we can all still be heard in Washington. And for me, that’s what this is about right now, raising our voices, all of us. We need to speak up like we have never spoken up before. this is the time.”

When asked about Judge Kavanaugh ruling to block a migrant teenager in Texas from being released from custody to receive an abortion, Warren said, “In fact, what we keep finding out is there are even more children who have been separated from their parents than we initially understood. And someone like Judge Kavanaugh, who is so worried that we may somehow create rights in the people whose lives are being torn apart by the United States government, this is someone who is leaning in exactly the wrong direction. And there is a perfect example, Lawrence, of an area the Supreme Court may end up having to make new law in this area. When that’s the case, I want to know something about this judge. I want to know something about this judge’s values. And what he’s revealed so far is not something that reflects America’s values. He seems not to concern for what it means to be a 16-year-old stranded in this country. What it means to be a woman who comes here who is fleeing violence and asking for asylum, what it means to be a refugee. That is not something, evidently, that Judge Kavanaugh cares about. I think that’s going to be a real problem for him during this nomination hear nomination hearing.”

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